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Bishkek Botanical Garden

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Bishkek Botanical Garden: A Budget-Friendly Attraction for Families with Kids

Looking for a fun and affordable activity to do with your kids in Bishkek? Look no further than the Bishkek Botanical Garden! This beautiful garden is the perfect place to spend a day exploring with your little ones. With over 4,000 species of plants, your kids will be amazed by the variety of colors and textures they'll see. The Bishkek Botanical Garden is suitable for children of all ages, from toddlers to teenagers. Younger children will love running around the open spaces and playing hide-and-seek among the trees. Older kids will enjoy learning about the different plants and their origins. The garden is open every day from 9am to 6pm, and admission is only 2 euros per person. That's right, you read that correctly - just 2 euros! This makes it an affordable option for families on a budget. One of the highlights of the garden is the Japanese Garden, which features a beautiful pond and traditional Japanese architecture. Your kids will love exploring this area and learning about Japanese culture. Another must-see attraction is the Butterfly House, where your kids can see dozens of different species of butterflies up close. They'll be amazed by the colors and patterns on their wings. Overall, the Bishkek Botanical Garden is a fantastic option for families with kids who are looking for a fun and affordable activity. Don't miss out on this beautiful attraction - plan your visit today! Hostel world
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