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Basel, the third-largest city in Switzerland, is a hidden gem for budget travellers seeking a unique cultural experience. This city is a melting pot of Swiss, French, and German cultures, which is reflected in its architecture, traditions, and cuisine. Basel is home to over 40 museums, including the world-renowned Kunstmuseum, which houses an impressive collection of art from the Renaissance to contemporary times.

The city's architecture is a blend of old and new, with medieval buildings standing alongside modern structures. The most famous landmark is the Basel Minster, a Gothic cathedral that dominates the skyline. The city is also known for its vibrant festivals, including the Fasnacht, a three-day carnival that takes place in February and is considered one of the largest in Switzerland.

Basel is a foodie's paradise, with a variety of local dishes to try, such as Basler Läckerli, a spiced gingerbread, and Mässmogge, a type of candy. The city is also home to several Michelin-starred restaurants, but budget travellers can still enjoy delicious meals at affordable prices in local cafes and restaurants.

One of the surprising facts about Basel is that it has the highest concentration of museums per capita in the world. Visitors can explore the city's history, art, and culture for free or at a low cost, with many museums offering free admission on certain days.

Other free or low-cost attractions include the Rhine River, which runs through the city and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can also take a stroll through the Old Town, with its narrow streets and charming buildings, or visit the Basel Zoo, which is home to over 600 species of animals.

In conclusion, Basel is a city that offers something for everyone, from its rich cultural heritage to its delicious cuisine and stunning architecture. It's a budget-friendly destination that will leave visitors with unforgettable memories and a desire to return. Hostel world
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